
  • Introducing our summer employee
    Our team has been strengthened for the summer with a summer employee! Matias has worked at Pulmaton before, you can read Matias's story below! Read more
  • VAT change 1.9.2024
    The government outlined in April that the general value added tax rate in Finland will be increased from 24% to 25.5%. It is estimated that the VAT increase will bring additional revenues of about one billion euros to the state coffers. Read more
  • With the whole group in Turku
    Sometimes it's good to stop for a moment and think together about where we are and where we want to go. Today was such a day in Pulmaton. Read more
  • SHIFT 2024
    In this post, you can read experiences and see pictures of the SHIFT event from the perspective of our employees! Read more
  • SHIFT-matchmaking begins!
    SHIFT- festival is approaching! Matchmaking for the festival opens for those who have purchased a ticket 23.5.2024 On the website of the festival, you can find easy instructions for starting SHIFT matchmaking! You will get there here! Read more
  • Shall we meet at SHIFT - for signs of success?
    The SHIFT business festival will take place in the Turku Science Park 29.- 30.5.2024. We are involved, you should come too! Read more
  • Bubbling spring!
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  • Happy Easter!
    Pulmaton team wishes everyone a joyful and sunny Easter time! Our team is spending Easter relaxing, eating chocolate, and enjoying the outdoors. Don't forget to... Read more
  • Introducing our new team member
    Our team has been strengthened with a new software developer. Egor joined Pulmaton a couple of months ago and during this time, he has made excellent progress in becoming familiar with our platforms... Read more
  • Merry Christmas!
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024! Christmas is here, and the Pulmaton team is winding down for the holiday break. Thank you for the past year to everyone... Read more