Our team has been strengthened for the summer with a summer employee! Matias has worked at Pulmaton before, you can read Matias's story below!
Hi! I'm Matias Sjölund and I'm now coding at Pulmaton for the second summer.
Opiskelen Kerttulin lukion ICT-linjalla. Linjalle pääsee noin 30 uutta opiskelijaa vuosittain, ja ICT-linjalaisille järjestetään Kerttulissa erityisiä kursseja. Kurssien sisältö vaihtelee Pythonin alkeista kuvankäsittelyyn, ja jopa robotiikkaan. Näistä käytännönläheisimpiä koodarin työssä ovat tietenkin ohjelmointikurssit, joita on kaksi: toisen jo mainitsin, ja toisessa opiskellaan olio-ohjelmoinnin perusteita ja päästään koodaamaan ihanaa Javaa.
I've taken both of these courses, but they haven't improved my programming skills significantly. I already knew the contents of the courses before the courses. I have learned to program mostly by doing my own projects and other "fooling around". As an example, one teacher in high school used to say "ööö" very often when speaking. So I did what any normal person would do in the situation and wrote a piece of code that allows me to count the number and frequency of "ööö"s.
At work I have coded with Ruby on Rails and React. Rails programming has been made easier by the fact that I have written a large part of all my small projects in Ruby. Getting started with real projects is difficult: it feels like you don't understand anything and that there is a huge amount of code. This has been helped by thinking about only one part: the other parts of the system could just as well work by magic. Understanding everything at the same time is impossible. After the initial difficulties, you start to understand how and why something is done, and you can reduce asking everything from your coworkers.