Tiina Sjölund

The official position in the organization of Pulmaton is the chairman of the board. In practice, I take care of customer service. I am also responsible for the sales and financial management of the companies.

I have more than 30 years of experience in nearly 200 companies warehouse management or enterprise resource planning system implementation projects. The first deployment I managed took place at the beginning of 1993. The implementation was obviously successful, because the same system is still in use in an updated version. I know the technical wholesale trade very well and manage matters related to a wide range of products and warehouse processes.

I'm at my best when I get to plan, together with the customer, easy-to-use and practical solutions to problems related to the warehouse.

I am involved in rotary activities, where I am able to do good both in my own town and around the world. My other hobbies are golf, travel, reading, baking and studying Italian.